Garvagh Primary School is co-educational and caters for children of all abilities.
There are nine classrooms grouped into three main areas. Each area has three classrooms and a large work area which
facilitates the practical work assosciated with maths, science and crafts and design. Each classroom has it's own sink
area with hot and cold water. The work areas outside the classrooms also have sink areas, each group of three classrooms
also have sink facilities and their own set of toilets for both boys and girls. Cloak areas are located in the classroom
blocks and cater for coats, bags, gym shoes, football shoes, etc.
The school has a large hall which permits indoor PE lessons and facilitates whole
school assembly. The hall is also used for concerts, PTA events, parent meetings and extra-curricular events.
The school also doubles as a dining area during the school day.
The extensive school grounds provide a parking area and a large tarmac play area which
has been marked out to enable children to participate in traditional street games and to encourage them in creative play.
The grounds also boast a large grass play area which offers ample space for soccer, rugby, cricket and athletics.