Mr Samuel McQuiston took up the position of principal of Garvagh
Primary School at the beginning of January 1999. He had previously been vice-principal
in Harpurs Hill Primary School, Coleraine, and later in Portstewart Primary School.
He has a total of thirty years experience in primary education, the last nine in the position of principal.
He has seen many initiatives and changes introduced throughout
this time but his guiding principle has always remained unchanged. The children
in the school are entitled to the best possible education. The need for quality
teaching and learning must always be paramount. We must provide our pupils
with a broad and balanced curriculum, a good choice of extra-curricular activities in a safe and secure environment where
everyone’s contribution is valued.
High standards are achieved by hard work, both by the staff
and by the pupils and this is our commitment.
As far as it is possible we will provide our pupils
with the knowledge skills and positive attitudes to enable them to approach the next stage of their education with confidence.